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Aiptek Empty Aiptek

Messaggio  Aiptek Gio Gen 15, 2009 12:34 pm

Dear family,

I am the boss of the Aiptek family. Some members of you attack us. We are in the ranking closely together therefore ask I you whether we together to work want. Thus we would create it faster and easily upward.

Please kontakt us in the forum.



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Aiptek Empty richiesta di alleanza dagli Aiptek

Messaggio  Il_Partito Gio Gen 15, 2009 1:13 pm

Ragazzi, ci hanno richiesto un'alleanza gli Aiptek motivandola col fatto che siamo vicini in classifica. Mi sa che hanno confuso la castra col senatus.

Questa l'elegante risposta che ho postato nel loro forum:

Dear guys,

I think that you have not red the ranking with proper attention.
Unfortunately for you, you are not close to us in ranking. Maybe you
are close to our second family, that has more or less your strength.
But our first family has - more or less - 250.000.000 strenght.

And our policy on alliances doesn't allow us to have allies weaker
then us. As you can see, if you read carefully our family page, our
weakest allies are the Goodfellas of Finland (189.000.000 strenght).
And the strongest ones are the TKW (1.850.00.000 strenght). You'r still
too weak to have an alliance for us.

We are not interested. Thnx anyway


Minister for the Foreign Affairs of the LEGIO-Senatus

P.S. A questo punto io li sfonderei....

Numero di messaggi : 387
Età : 51
Data d'iscrizione : 23.11.08

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